In my heart, I know I'm cool
So I finished the knitted cell-phone-thingamagig, and you know what? My niece dug it!! She really did! Of course, she dug the cell phone more, but what self-respecting pre-teen wouldn't? Here's a shot of the finished whosiwhatsit:

And of my niece, The Nodster, modeling said whatnot:

The problem for me was, I took my small knitting back with me to Texas with only the supplies for the cell phone cozy. And let me tell ya. Texas? It's big. You know the saying, everything's big in Texas. And driving across Texas? It takes a big, long time to get anywhere. And I get bored super easily. So there I am on Sunday, with a big ole long drive ahead of me, and nothing but 8 bazillion country music stations standing between me and my house. Sorry. Not a big country music fan. But that's a story for another time. ANYWAY...
Our car has a GPS navigation system in it that has found us many a place to eat on long stretches of cross-country driving. So I wondered to myself if it was smart enough to find me someplace to buy yarn. I pulled up the Point of Interest by name menu and typed in Hancock Fabrics. And by all the dumb luck, there it was, not a half-hour drive away. So yours truly was able to get her knit on while driving back home across the some of the most boring radioland this side of the Mississippi.
Life is good.
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