It's time
So yesterday was cycle day 1 for this ovulation cycle. And this was the cycle Dear Hubby and I decided would be The One. So that means that today after work, I get to pick up two prescriptions: one for 3 Clomiphene Citrate tablets, aka Clomid, and the other for an HCG injectable. I plan to pick these items up after seeing my chiropractor.
Why am I bothering to mention this to you? I do so because I am torn. See, many years ago - I think I was probably 13 or 14 - I attended the wedding of one of my mom's college friends. This friend was 40, and had hooked up with her new husband after they had run into each other at their 20th high school reunion. I still remember her wedding dress and how happy they looked that day. Not long after that, she and her new husband started trying to get pregnant. They tried and tried. The story then goes that he insisted she do fertility treatments, despite her concerns. At 45, she started IVF. She did finally get pregnant with triplets. But then things went terribly wrong. The babies were born prematurely, and were severely brain-damaged as well as blind. Her husband left her a short time later.
This story left a huge impact on me. It has always seemed to me to be a cautionary tale about the risks inherent in messing around with nature.
I never thought I would be doing this.
Wow. I don't remember you ever telling me that story about your mom's friend. That's just terrible.
I'm thinking about you guys this morning!!!
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