What if...?
What if you only had one small, all-purpose general store in your town? And what if from that store you were expected to buy all your clothes and toiletries and, well, basically everything? And what if that store was meant to serve over 10,000 people? And what if that store only got small shipments of random stuff at irregular intervals? What would you do?
What would you do if one week they got a shipment of socks and deoderant and that was all, and the last time they got a shipment of these things was 6 weeks ago? Do you think you would buy all the socks and deoderant you could afford, just in case?
Let's add to this scenario. What if you couldn't use a check or a debit card to pay for what goods you could get at this store? And what if the closest place you could cash a check was an hour's drive away over roads that on any given day you could get killed by driving on?
My brother, as you may know, is currently in Iraq. And he is dealing with just such a scenario. I tell you these things because, even though our politicians are talking abot bringing our men and women in uniform home, they are not home yet. And they are not able to get the basic things they need, such as socks, T-shirts, shampoo, and toothpaste, much less frivolities like chewing gum and books. We have set up a new blog that will detail our endeavors to get my brother and his troops some of the things they need.
Please visit and do what you can to help.
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